July 27, 2024
Thank-You Messages, Phrases, and Wording Examples

To show your appreciation and gratitude for someone’s help, writing a letter or email of thanks is a beautiful gesture. It’s easy to find places to send them.

In the business sector, a thank-you message might determine whether or not you are offered the position, customer, or contract in question. Writing a thank-you letter after an interview is a great way to show your appreciation to the interviewer and set yourself apart from other candidates.

Here are some tried-and-true ways to express gratitude and thank the person.

Words and Phrases to Use to Say Thank You

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How may one express gratitude most effectively? Pick a term that reflects the spirit of your gratitude when writing a message of appreciation.

Express your gratitude to anybody who has helped you out at work, on a project, or with a difficulty. Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you and for considering you for the position. If someone helps you out professionally or gives you a hint on a job vacancy, be sure to thank them for their time.

In most cases, a brief remark expressing gratitude is all that is required when sending a personal letter or message of thanks.

General Thank-You Phrases

These thank-you sentences may be used in any context, whether personal or professional:

  • I really appreciate it.
  • Many thanks for your help.
  • Thanks for taking my request into account.
  • I value the advice you’ve given me.
  • Thanks a lot for assisting me.
  • I value the opportunity to speak with you.
  • Sincerely, I thank you for….
  • You have my deepest gratitude.
  • I appreciate it very much.
  • I appreciate it very much!
  • Please accept my sincere gratitude.
  • Please know how grateful I am to you.
  • I appreciate your help.
  • We appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  • Your words of support are much appreciated.
  • I appreciate the help.
  • Your help is much appreciated.
  • I appreciate your kind gesture.
  • In closing, I appreciate your attention.

Business Thank-You Phrases

Business thank-you notes are a great way to show your appreciation and strengthen relationships with other professionals.

  • I value the help you’ve given me and hope you’ll keep working on our account.
  • I really appreciate you letting me do this.
  • I appreciate you thinking of me when you thought of [person’s name] for [services offered].
  • We appreciate you thinking enough of us to recommend [firm].
  • I appreciate your help with my company very much. I value it much.

Personal Thank-You Phrases 

Express your gratitude to that special someone by using one of the following phrases:

  • I appreciate all of your help.
  • Thank you very much.
  • Thank you so much for reading this.
  • Your advice and suggestions have been very helpful.
  • As quickly as possible, I wanted to express my appreciation.
  • Thank you very much for putting your trust in me.
  • Thank you very much for all of your assistance.
  • That was incredibly kind of you to do.
  • I appreciate your help.
  • I appreciate your efforts very much.
  • You’ve been a tremendous aid to me.
  • You are the greatest.
  • You’ve been really helpful.
  • I appreciate it very much.

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Professional and Career-Related Thank-You

If someone has given you advice or helped you in your job hunt, it is courteous to express gratitude.

  • I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
  • I value the insights and suggestions you’ve given.
  • I value your help very much.
  • I appreciate your help very much.
  • You’ve been really patient; I appreciate it.
  • I appreciate your granting my request to join your network.
  • I appreciate you reaching out to me. What a privilege!
  • I appreciate your help throughout my job hunt and am grateful.
  • I appreciate your assistance throughout my employment hunt.
  • I appreciate you being here and answering my questions. I value our conversation about potential employment paths very much.
  • I really appreciate the help you gave me.
  • You’ve been really helpful by providing your insight.
  • I appreciate our conversation. Your observations were really instructive.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me.
  • I appreciate you making room in your day to meet with me.
  • We Appreciate Your Time and Thought

Include “thank you for the consideration” or one of the following in your correspondence when seeking anything from a person or a business:

Thank you very much for your consideration.

  • I appreciate your time and thoughtful answer.
  • We appreciate you giving this issue your time and thought.
  • I appreciate your giving my request some thought.
  • I appreciate your time and effort very much.
  • I value your time and attention, and I hope to hear from you soon.
  • I value your time and effort very much.

Thank You for Your Help and Support

Have you gotten some assistance? Don’t forget to express your appreciation.

  • Thanks a lot for assisting me.
  • I appreciate your assistance.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
  • I value your assistance very much.
  • I appreciate your fantastic assistance very much.
  • For your consideration, I am grateful.
  • I appreciate you going out of your way to assist me.
  • I appreciate your assistance very much.
  • I appreciate your help with this.
  • I really appreciate your assistance. If I can do anything in return, please let me know.
  • I appreciate your assistance.
  • I value your encouragement much.
  • Your help is much appreciated.

Thank You for a Job Interview

After a one-on-one meeting, it’s important to express gratitude to the interviewer. It serves as a timely reminder of your qualifications for the position.

  • Thank you for the chance to discuss the [job title] opening at [business name] with you today.
  • Thank you for taking the time to interview me for [business name].
  • I appreciate the time you took to interview me for this job.
  • I appreciated the chance to learn more about working with your organization via our conversation.
  • Thank you very much for the interview, it means a lot to me.
  • Thank you very much for the interview, it means a lot to me.
  • I appreciated our time together as we discussed your vacant position for [job title].
  • I appreciate the chance to speak with you and your team.
  • I appreciate the chance to speak with you.
  • I appreciate our conversation on the [position title] opening at [business name].
  • Please accept my gratitude for the respect you showed me throughout the interview process.

Thank You for Providing a Reference or Referral

Writing references and referring people for jobs may be time-consuming and labour-intensive. Sending a thank-you note or email to your contacts is always appreciated. Be sure to update them on your career progress, too.

  • Thank you so much for agreeing to be a reference for me.
  • Thank you very much for mentioning [business name] in your praise of me and my work.
  • Your willingness to serve as a reference is much appreciated.
  • I appreciate you putting my name forth for this opportunity.
  • I appreciate your recommendation of me to [business name] for employment.
  • I appreciate you thinking of me for the [position title] at [business name].
  • Please express my gratitude to [name] at [business name] for connecting us.
  • I can’t tell you how much your help is appreciated.

Workplace Thank-You Phrases

Both employers and workers appreciate it when they are recognised for going above and beyond.

  • I value your contributions to our team’s work very highly.
  • I value your adaptability and helpfulness much.
  • I just wanted to say thanks for all of your hard work and dedication.
  • I appreciate your trust and support.
  • I appreciate your assistance. I’m really happy to have you as part of the group.
  • I appreciate your going the extra mile.
  • I appreciate you exemplifying teamwork in this way.
  • I appreciate our meeting yesterday to discuss the project I’ve been working on.

How to Close Your Message

How to Close Your Message
How to Close Your Message

The last words of a letter or email are crucial. A formal closure, such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “With appreciation,” is a great way to sign off an email or letter.

How and When to Say Thank-You

There are numerous people and places you may thank throughout your job hunt, from those who help you to those who might hire you.1 A timely letter of thanks is a great approach to show gratitude to co-workers who have gone out of their way to assist you.

Types of Thank-You Notes

It’s up to the individual and the situation as to whether a thank-you letter is written by hand, typed, or emailed. Sending a thank-you note right after an interview is ideal, but it’s not necessary if you’re thanking someone for a less time-sensitive favour like acting as a reference, providing a referral, or allowing you to shadow them at their job.

A handwritten thank-you card might set you apart from other candidates, especially if the position you interviewed for isn’t hiring right away.

A handwritten thank-you letter provides the recipient with a physical token of your gratitude. While a handwritten message may be appreciated by a small company or a coworker, a corporate contact is more likely to anticipate and prefer an email.

A thank-you note printed on your computer is a formal approach to express your gratitude and a record of the specifics of your case. A note of thanks from a supervisor or coworker may be a welcome addition to an employee’s personnel file.

When to Send a Thank-You Note

It’s nearly as crucial as what you say when you say it. The impact of an email is instantaneous. That’s crucial if you want to be hired in a medium- to large-sized business. Within the first 24 hours after an interview, you should send a thank-you message.1

You don’t have to rush to get other forms of thank-you notes sent, but don’t leave it too long either. Express your appreciation while it is still fresh in both your mind and theirs.


How long should a thank-you note be?

A handwritten or electronic letter of gratitude might be a few pages at most. In the concluding paragraph, express your gratitude once again, highlighting the specifics of the person’s contribution.

What’s the best way to send a thank-you note?

A quick thank-you letter should be sent through email. Send an email when you need a quick response, such just after a job interview. A handwritten card might create a greater impact than an electronic communication, so consider using one if your message isn’t time-sensitive.

Should you send a thank-you note after a job interview?

Thanking the interviewer for their time is standard protocol. A thank-you note after an interview is a great way to demonstrate your gratitude for the interviewer’s time and explain why you want the job. Thanking an interviewer through email is a simple and speedy option.

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